Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hispanic Education Power Points

Well today in class we were tasked with looking through a list of links in our groups and design power points. This was an inseresting experience as it allowed us to do research as a group about a certain aspect of Hispanic education in Michigan as well as gleaning new information about what other groups researched.

I found it interesting that there is a local school that is fully bilingual. This seems greatly beneficial as it could serve to assist ESL or other Hispanic students get acclimated to school structure without putting them into a threatening environment that could be detrimental to their overall learning and careers as learners.

Our group researched Hispanic students in Detroit Public Schools and discovered that they have high attendance but low participation and very low graduation rates. This could likely be a result of ESL issues or lack of connection to school and the academics they are confronted with.
This is yet again another reason that should prompt teachers into including literature that can connect with Hispanic students and their culture.

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